Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday, September 18th

What is the importance of deadlines? How do high school deadlines reflect or simulate "real world" experience? Give an example of when you met or or didn't meet a deadline that was important.

The importance of deadlines is that they're there for a reason. No one just makes a deadline just because they can. A reason (for example) is if someone ordered shirts for an event and they weren't done in time, then the person who ordered it wouldn't have it for that event. There are so many examples I could name to show the importance of a deadline. An example that I did not meet a deadline was when I didn't finish a review packet for a class. Since I was not able to meet the deadline, I was unable to take the test if I didn't do well. It makes sense considering if I do the review packet, then I should be ready for the test.

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